DA Form 4734-R. Invention Disclosure (LRA)

DA Form 4734-R. Invention Disclosure (LRA)

Form DA 4734-R is used as an Invention Disclosure (LRA) in the Army. This form serves as a disclosure tool for reporting new inventions or discoveries made by Army personnel or individuals associated with Army research and development programs.

The form consists of sections where the specific details of the invention or discovery are recorded, including a description of the invention, its potential applications, and any supporting documentation or evidence. It includes information about the inventor or discoverer and any other individuals involved in the research or development process. Additionally, the form may include sections for obtaining legal or intellectual property advice and for indicating any proprietary or sensitive information.

Important fields in this form include accurate documentation of the invention or discovery details and proper indication of any proprietary or sensitive information. Accurate completion of this form is crucial to protect intellectual property rights and to facilitate potential commercialization or implementation of the invention.

Application Example: A researcher working on an Army-funded project develops a new technology that could have potential applications in various military systems. The researcher completes Form DA 4734-R, providing a detailed description of the invention and its applications. The completed form is then submitted to the Army's legal department for review and assessment of its patentability. By doing so, the Army can protect and potentially commercialize the new technology for military use.

Individuals filling out this form should consider any additional supporting documents or research data that may be required to support the invention disclosure.

Related Forms: There may not be direct alternatives to Form DA 4734-R, as it serves as a specialized invention disclosure form for Army-related research. However, there might be other forms related to intellectual property disclosure or patent applications used in similar scientific or technological research settings.