DA Form 4570-1. Commercial Printing Record

DA Form 4570-1. Commercial Printing Record

Form DA Form 4570-1, also known as the Commercial Printing Record, used to document commercial printing transactions within the Department of Army. It serves as a record of all commercial printing jobs contracted by the Army.

The form consists of sections where the contracting officer can provide details such as the vendor's name and address, the description of the printing job, the quantity and cost of the items printed, and any additional charges or specifications. There is also a section for the approval and signature of the responsible officer authorizing the transaction.

Important fields in this form include the vendor's information, as accurate contact details are necessary for effective communication and payment processing. The description of the printing job should be clear and specific to ensure that the desired outcome is achieved. Additionally, accurate recording of the quantity and cost of the items printed is crucial for financial tracking and accountability.

Application Example: The Army contracts a commercial printing company produce recruitment brochures. The contracting officer completes Form DA Form 4570-1, providing the vendor's information, a detailed description of the brochures, the quantity required, and the agreed-upon cost. The form is then submitted for approval and serves as a record of the transaction. Accurate completion of the form ensures that the Army receives the desired brochures and facilitates proper payment to the vendor.

Related Forms: There may be other internal forms or procedures specific to individual contracting offices or units, but DA Form 4570-1 the primary form used for documenting commercial printing transactions within the Department of Army.