DA Form 3499. Application for Relief From Court-Martial Findings and/or Sentence Under the Provisions of Title 10, United States Code, Section 869

DA Form 3499. Application for Relief From Court-Martial Findings and/or Sentence Under the Provisions of Title 10, United States Code, Section 869

Form DA 3499 is used as an application for relief from court-martial findings and/or sentence under the provisions of Title 10, United States Code, Section 869. This form helps in requesting a review or reconsideration of court-martial findings or sentences.

The form typically includes sections where information about the applicant's personal details, court-martial case details, grounds for relief, supporting documentation, and any additional remarks or notes can be recorded. It may also include fields for documenting the names and signatures of individuals involved in the review process.

Accurate and comprehensive completion of this form is important for initiating the process of seeking relief from court-martial findings or sentences and providing the necessary information and arguments to support the request.

Application Example: Service members within the U.S. Army use Form DA 3499 to apply for relief from court-martial findings and/or sentence. This form is completed by the applicant or their legal, and it helps in providing a formal application for review or reconsideration of court-martial decisions.

Related Forms: Depending on the specific requirements or processes of seeking relief from court-martial findings or sentences, there may be other related forms used in conjunction with Form DA 3499, such as legal briefs, witness statements, or appellate court forms.