DA Form 2408. Equipment Log Assembly (Records)

DA Form 2408. Equipment Log Assembly (Records)

The DA Form 2408, also known as the Equipment Log Assembly (Records), is a form used by the Department of the Army to maintain records and track the maintenance and usage history of equipment. It consists of several parts that capture important information related to equipment maintenance, repairs, and inspections.

Important fields on the DA Form 2408 include:

  • Equipment: This field captures the unique identification number or serial number of the equipment being logged.
  • Maintenance actions: This section allows for recording maintenance actions performed on the equipment, including repairs, inspections, and preventive maintenance.
  • Parts and materials used: If any parts or materials were used during maintenance or repair, they are recorded in this section.
  • Equipment status: The form provides fields to indicate the current status of the equipment, such as operational, non-operational, or awaiting repair.
  • Remarks: This section allows for additional comments or notes regarding the equipment's condition, maintenance, or any other relevant information.

The parties involved in filling out the DA Form 2408 include the equipment operator, maintenance personnel, and unit commanders responsible for equipment management. It is important to accurately fill out the form to ensure proper documentation of equipment maintenance and usage history.

An application example of the DA Form 2408 is in the maintenance and management of military vehicles or machinery. By consistently filling out this form after each maintenance action or inspection, the Army can keep track of the equipment's serviceability, identify recurring issues, and plan future maintenance activities effectively.