DA Form 2063-R. Prescribed Load List (LRA)

DA Form 2063-R. Prescribed Load List (LRA)

The DA Form 2063-R, also known as the Prescribed Load List (LRA), is a form used by the Army to document and manage the prescribed load for specific vehicles or equipment. The main purpose of this form is to ensure that the correct items and quantities are loaded onto vehicles or equipment for transportation or operational purposes.

The form consists of several important parts, including the vehicle or equipment information, load data, and certification. The vehicle or equipment information section captures details such as the type, model, and serial number of the vehicle or equipment being loaded. The load data section lists the specific items, quantities, and locations where they should be loaded. The certification part is used to certify that the load has been properly inspected, verified, and loaded according to the prescribed load list.

When filling out the DA Form 2063-R, it is crucial to accurately record all relevant information, including the vehicle or equipment details and the specific items and quantities to be loaded. Attention to detail is essential to ensure that the correct items are loaded in the appropriate locations, maintaining safety and operational efficiency.

An example application of the DA Form 2063-R would be in a military logistics unit responsible for loading and transporting equipment or supplies. By using this form, the unit can ensure that the prescribed load for each vehicle or equipment is properly documented and adhered to, minimizing errors and ensuring mission readiness.

A related form to the DA Form 2063-R is the DA Form 2404, Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet. While both forms involve documenting equipment-related information, the DA Form 2063-R specifically focuses on the prescribed load for transportation or operational purposes, while the DA Form 2404 is used for recording equipment inspections and maintenance activities.