DA Form 11-2. Internal Control Evaluation Certification

DA Form 11-2. Internal Control Evaluation Certification

The DA Form 11-2 is used to certify the evaluation of internal control processes within a unit or organization. Internal control refers to the measures taken to safeguard assets, prevent and detect fraud or errors, ensure accurate financial reporting, and promote overall organizational efficiency and effectiveness. This form consists of sections for identifying the unit or organization being evaluated, the scope of evaluation, the evaluation criteria, and the evaluator's conclusion and recommendations. It is important to accurately and objectively fill out this form, as it provides assurance that the internal control processes are functioning effectively. The parties involved in this form include the evaluator and the responsible officials of the unit or organization being evaluated.

Application Example: An internal audit department can use the DA Form 11-2 to certify the evaluation of the internal control processes of a specific department within an organization. This form helps to identify areas of improvement, ensure compliance with internal control standards, and provide recommendations for strengthening existing processes.

Related Form: DA Form 11-563. Telecommunications-Evidence/Property Custody Document. This form is used for the documentation and certification of the custody and control of telecommunications-related evidence or property. While it is related to the DA Form 11-2 in terms of the certification aspect, it differs in its focus on specific telecommunications-related assets rather than internal control evaluation.