Construction Change Order Form

Construction Change Order Form

A construction change order is a form used in the construction industry to document changes to a construction project. This form is essential for ensuring that changes are properly communicated and that all parties involved in the project are aware of the impact of the change.

The form typically consists of several parts, including fields for the project name, date, description of the change, reason for the change, cost impact, and schedule impact. It may also include a section for signatures from the contractor, owner, and architect or engineer.

When writing the form, it is important to be clear and concise in describing the change and its impact on the project schedule and budget. Supporting documents may need to be attached, such as revised drawings or specifications, to provide a complete picture of the change.

Examples of when this form may be used include when a change in design or materials is requested by the owner, when unforeseen site conditions are encountered, or when a change in scope is required. By using this form, all parties involved in the project can be made aware of the change and can adjust their plans accordingly.

Strengths of this form include its ability to document changes and ensure that all parties are aware of the impact of the change, while weaknesses may include the potential for delays or added costs associated with the change. Opportunities for improvement may include the use of digital change order management systems or the implementation of proactive change management strategies.

Alternative forms or analogues may include written change order requests or verbal agreements, but these may not provide the same level of detail or documentation as a formal change order form.

Overall, the use of a construction change order form can help improve communication and ensure that all parties involved in a construction project are aware of any changes and their impact. The form should be submitted to the owner, contractor, and architect or engineer, and should be stored in a secure location for future reference.