CBP Form 3461. Entry/Immediate Delivery for ACE

CBP Form 3461. Entry/Immediate Delivery for ACE

CBP Form 3461, also known as the Entry/Immediate Delivery for Automated Commercial Environment (ACE), is a form used primarily to allow the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to approve the release of imported merchandise before the payment of duties, taxes, and fees. It is a very comprehensive document that requires the applicant to provide detailed information, with varying accuracy and complexity; all of which is needed for CBP to accurately ascertain the eligibility for immediate release.

The form itself consists of multiple sections that range from basic information about the applicant, to transactions that need to be further documented, to the actual declarations of immediate delivery. All of which allows for the CBP to further verify the legitimacy and accuracy of the form and to ascertain whether the applicant is indeed eligible to receive immediate release.

When filling out CBP Form 3461, it is important to provide all of the necessary information in a truthful and accurate manner, as any discrepancies may result in delays and a possible rejection of the application. Additionally, it is also advisable to double and triple check all of the information provided before submission, as any errors may lead to mistakes in the decision process and a possible rejection of the form.

CBP Form 3461 is similar to other forms used for authentication purposes, such as Form 7501 or Form G-7. However, Form 3461 is tailored specifically to the ACE system, and it is important to understand the differences between the two in order to make sure that the right one is used for the right purpose.

The form can be submitted electronically or in written form to the local CBP office at the port of entry in the United States. After submission, CBP stores all of the instances of the form, allowing for those previously approved to easily re-apply. The document is authorized by 19 U.S.C., 1551 and 1555 and 19 CFR 112.41 and 118.10. The form is available online at CBP's website.
