VA Form 28-8606. Notes from Counseling and Next Steps

VA Form 28-8606. Notes from Counseling and Next Steps

VA Form 28-8606 serves as a documentation tool for counseling and future steps related to vocational rehabilitation. It is primarily used by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to record important information discussed during counseling sessions with veterans seeking vocational rehabilitation and employment assistance. The form helps keep track of long-range goals, proposed programs, necessary actions, and the progress of the counseling process.

Usage Case: VA Form 28-8606 is typically used in the context of providing vocational rehabilitation services to veterans, especially those with service-related disabilities. It is an essential part of the counseling process and allows counselors to document the goals, programs, and steps agreed upon with the veteran. This form helps ensure that the veteran receives the necessary support and resources to facilitate their reintegration into the workforce.

Form Structure: VA Form 28-8606 is a single-page document. Here's an overview of its structure:

  1. Name (First, Middle, Last): Space for the veteran's full name.

  2. File Number: A unique identification number assigned to the veteran's file.

  3. Long Range Goal: A section for specifying the long-term vocational goal that the veteran aims to achieve.

  4. Proposed Program: Details of the vocational rehabilitation program that has been proposed.

  5. Proposed Program Beginning Date: The expected start date of the proposed program.

  6. Next Steps to Be Taken: This section is divided into three columns:

    • 6A: Preferred Sequence - Indicates the order in which steps are planned.
    • 6B: Necessary Actions - Lists the actions that need to be taken.
    • 6C: Date Action Completed - The date when each action is completed.
  7. Next Counseling Appointment:

    • 7A: Date - Specifies the date of the next counseling appointment.
    • 7B: Time - The scheduled time for the appointment.
    • 7C: Location - The venue where the appointment will take place.
  8. Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor/Case Manager:

    • 8A: Telephone Number - The counselor's contact number.
    • 8B: The counselor's signature.
  9. Signature of Counselee:

    • 9A: The veteran's signature acknowledging the discussion and agreement during the counseling session.
    • 9B: Date of Signature - The date when the veteran signs the form.

Additional Information:

  • VA Form 28-8606 is an essential tool for maintaining records and ensuring that veterans' vocational rehabilitation needs are met effectively.
  • The form helps create a structured plan for the veteran's future employment and vocational goals.
  • It can be used in both initial counseling sessions and for tracking progress during the rehabilitation process.
  • Clear documentation of the steps agreed upon in counseling sessions can help in monitoring the veteran's progress and ensuring that the agreed-upon actions are taken.

Overall, VA Form 28-8606 is a crucial element in the counseling and rehabilitation process for veterans, assisting them in achieving their vocational goals and improving their employability. It ensures that the necessary support and resources are provided and that both the counselor and the veteran are on the same page regarding future actions.
