Form DTS 60. Online Driver Education License Application and Agreeement - Virginia

Form DTS 60. Online Driver Education License Application and Agreeement - Virginia

Form DTS 60 - Online Driver Education License Application and Agreement is used to apply for or renew an online driver training school license in Virginia.

The parties involved in this form are the driver training school seeking to offer online driver education courses and the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), responsible for reviewing and approving applications for such licenses.

The form would likely include sections where the applicant provides information about the online curriculum, instructional methods, qualifications of the instructors, and any other relevant details to demonstrate the school's compliance with state regulations for online driver education.

Important fields in this form include details about the driver training school, the online curriculum, the names and credentials of instructors, and any supporting documentation required to prove the school's ability to deliver effective online driver education.

An example scenario for using Form DTS 60 would be a driver training school that wants to expand its services to offer online driver education courses. By completing this form and obtaining the necessary license, the school can reach a broader audience and provide convenient and accessible driver education to students through online platforms.

Additional documents needed for this application may include documentation of the online course materials, instructor certifications, and any relevant state regulations related to online driver education.

As for related forms, alternative versions may exist for applying to offer different types of driver education programs or for renewing licenses for traditional, in-person driver training schools.