PA DMV Form MV-140SV. Application for Seasonal Vehicle Registration

PA DMV Form MV-140SV. Application for Seasonal Vehicle Registration

Form MV-SV is an application form used for seasonal vehicle registration with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. It is used by individuals who own vehicles that are only operated during certain seasons or specific periods of the year.

The form consists of sections where the vehicle owner provides their personal information, such as name, address, and driver's license number. Additionally, the form requires the vehicle identification number (VIN) and current registration plate number. The owner must also indicate the specific months or periods during which the vehicle will be operated.

Important fields this form include accurate personal information, the correct vehicle identification number, and the specific seasonal operation period. Providing incorrect information may result in delays or errors in the seasonal registration process. It is important to complete the form accurately to ensure compliance with seasonal registration requirements and avoid any penalties or fines.

Application Example: An individual owns a recreational vehicle that is only used during the summer months for camping trips. To comply with Pennsylvania's seasonal registration requirements, they fill out Form MV-140SV, providing their personal information, vehicle details, and indicating the specific months during which the vehicle will be operated. They submit the completed form along with the required fees to the Department of Transportation. By using this form, the vehicle owner can ensure that their vehicle is properly registered for seasonal use and avoid any legal issues while enjoying their recreational activities.

Related Forms: There are no specific related forms for this purpose, but alternative options for seasonal vehicle registration include obtaining temporary registration permits for shorter periods or registering the vehicle as a regular non-seasonal vehicle.