OCFS-3114. Waiver of State Aid Eligibility or State Aid Reimbursement

OCFS-3114. Waiver of State Aid Eligibility or State Aid Reimbursement

Form OCFS-3114 - Waiver of State Aid Eligibility or State Aid Reimbursement - is a form used by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) for waiving the eligibility of an individual or entity to receive state aid, or waiving the right of an individual or entity to be reimbursed for state aid they have already received.

The form requires the completion of the following sections: the Person or Entity Requesting the Waiver; the Agency or Department Making the Request; the Reason for the Waiver; and the Waiver Detail. The Person or Entity Requesting the Waiver section includes identifying information about the individual or organization making the request, and any additional information that may be pertinent to the request. The Agency or Department Making the Request section includes identifying information about the OCFS agency or department responsible for making the request. The Reason for the Waiver section includes a brief description of why the waiver is being requested. The Waiver Detail section includes details about the state aid that is being waived, including name, address, and identification number of the person or entity receiving the waiver.

Important fields in this form include the Person or Entity Requesting the Waiver; the Agency or Department Making the Request; the Reason for the Waiver; and the Waiver Detail. It is important to provide accurate and complete information in all sections of the form in order for the waiver to be approved. Inaccurate or incomplete information may lead to a rejection of the waiver request.

An example of when this form would be used is when an individual has been overpaid state aid and they are requesting a waiver of the funds due. By submitting this form, the individual is acknowledging that they are aware of the overpayment and are waiving their right to receive the funds. The benefits of using this form are that it allows the individual to waive their right to receive the funds without having to go through a lengthy process of returning the funds.

Additional documents that may be required when filling out this form include a copy of the state aid award letter and proof of payment. Related forms that may exist for similar transactions or purposes include the OCFS-3115 Waiver of Rights to Request Hearing and the OCFS-3116 Waiver of Rights to Appeal.