DD Form 1790. Congressional Review

DD Form 1790. Congressional Review

DD Form 1790 - Congressional Review is used to report information to Congress on significant military matters.

The form consists of sections where military officials provide details about the matter being reported, the rationale for the report, and any relevant supporting information. The form may also include sections for classification, dates, and signatures.

When completing DD Form 1790, it's important to provide accurate and comprehensive information about the matter being reported. The form ensures transparency and accountability in communicating significant military-related issues to Congress.

Application Example: The Department of Defense identifies a critical security concern that requires congressional awareness. By submitting DD Form 1790, the necessary information is communicated to Congress, enabling informed decision-making and appropriate actions.

No additional documents are typically required for filling out DD Form 1790. An alternative form could be the Congressional Notification Form, used to formally notify Congress of various actions or initiatives.