CA DMV Form DL 948. Provider DUI Program Administrator Designee Document

CA DMV Form DL 948. Provider DUI Program Administrator Designee Document

Form DL 948, titled "Provider DUI Program Administrator Designee Document," is a document used in California for individuals who are being designated as administrators within a provider's Driving Under the Influence (DUI) program.

The main purpose of this form is to designate and authorize individuals as administrators within a DUI program administered by a provider. The form is typically completed by the provider organization and serves as documentation of the individual's authority to act as an administrator on behalf of the provider.

The form requires the provider to provide information about their organization, including its name, address, contact details, and relevant identification numbers. It also includes sections where the provider can provide details about the designated administrator, such as their name, contact information, and any necessary qualifications or certifications.

When completing the DL 948 form, the provider should ensure that all required information is accurately provided, including details about the designated administrator and the scope of their authorization. This form helps establish the administrative structure and responsibilities within a DUI program.

An example of when this form would be used is if a provider organization in California designates an employee or representative as an administrator within their DUI program. The provider would complete and submit the DL 948 form to the appropriate authority, providing all required information and documentation.

There are no direct alternatives or analogues to the DL 948 form within California's DMV system. However, other states may have similar forms for designating administrators within DUI programs.