New York State Office of Children and Family Services

LDSS-2865. Application for Approval Family Type Home for Adults

LDSS-2865. Application for Approval Family Type Home for Adults

Form LDSS-2865, Application for Approval Family Type Home for Adults, is a New York State Office of Children and Family Services form used by individuals wishing to open a family type home for adults, typically in the form of a group home or assisted living facility, within the state of New York. This form is used to obtain approval of the facility from the New York State Office of Children and Family Services.

LDSS-0882. Consent for Childs Routine Medical and Dental Care

LDSS-0882. Consent for Childs Routine Medical and Dental Care

Form Consent for Childs Routine Medical and Dental Care is a NYS Office of Children and Family Services form that is used to provide consent for routine medical and dental care for a child from a person other than the parents or legal guardians. This form is used when a child is in the care of a person other than their parent or legal guardian and that person requires consent from the parents or legal guardians for routine medical and dental care.

LDSS-0850. Consent for Childs Special or Emergency Medical or Surgical Treatment (By Parent or Guardian)

LDSS-0850. Consent for Childs Special or Emergency Medical or Surgical Treatment (By Parent or Guardian)

Form Consent for Childs Special or Emergency Medical or Surgical Treatment (By Parent or Guardian) is a legal document that provides consent for a child to undergo medical or surgical treatment. This form is used when a parent or guardian is unable to be present to provide the consent for the child’s treatment, or when a parent or guardian needs to provide consent for the treatment of a minor child.

LDSS-0792A. Individual Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Action Card

LDSS-0792A. Individual Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Action Card

Form LDSS-0792A - Individual Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Action Card is a form issued by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services. This form is intended to be used to provide information on an individual’s allergies and anaphylaxis emergency action plan. It is important for the form to be completed accurately, as it is used to help ensure the safety of the individual in the event of an allergic reaction.

LDSS-0571. Medical Report of Prospective Adoptive Parent

LDSS-0571. Medical Report of Prospective Adoptive Parent

Form LDSS-0571, the "Medical Report of Prospective Adoptive Parent," is a crucial document used by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (NYS OCFS) in the adoption process.

The main purpose of this form is to gather comprehensive medical information about the prospective adoptive parent(s) to assess their physical and mental health status. The form is designed to ensure that the adoptive parent(s) are in good health and can provide a safe and stable environment for the child they wish to adopt.