Employee write-up form

Employee write-up form template sample

Employee write-up form (also known as an "employee discipline form" or "employee warning form") is a document used by employers or human resources departments to formally document instances of employee misconduct, poor performance, or violations of company policies. The purpose of this form is to create a written record of the issue, the actions taken by the employer, and any corrective measures that need to be implemented.

The form typically includes the following information

  1. Employee Information: Name, position, department, employee ID, and other identifying details.

  2. Date and Time: The date and time of the incident or issue.

  3. Description of Incident: A detailed description of the incident, including what happened, where it occurred, and who was involved.

  4. Policy Violation: The specific company policy or rule that was violated.

  5. Witnesses: If there were any witnesses to the incident, their names and statements might be included.

  6. Employee Response: A space for the employee to provide their perspective on the incident or issue.

  7. Corrective Action: The steps the employer plans to take to address the issue. This could range from a verbal warning to a written warning, suspension, or other disciplinary measures.

  8. Employee Acknowledgment: A section for the employee to acknowledge receipt of the write-up and its contents. This does not necessarily imply agreement with the content, but rather confirms that the employee is aware of the situation.

  9. Next Steps: Any expectations or requirements for the employee moving forward, including improvements that need to be made and a timeline for compliance.

  10. Signatures: Signatures of both the employee and the supervisor or manager, along with the date, to indicate that the employee has been informed of the issue and the corrective measures.

Employee write-up forms serve as an official record of the incident and the steps taken to address it. They are important for maintaining consistency in how employee issues are handled, ensuring transparency, and protecting the interests of both the employee and the employer. In more serious cases, these forms may also be used as documentation for potential legal or termination procedures if the issues persist.

Key scenarios in which an employee write-up form might be used

  1. Performance Issues:

    • Repeatedly failing to meet performance targets or expectations.
    • Consistently producing subpar work quality.
    • Demonstrating a lack of required skills for the position.
  2. Attendance and Punctuality:

    • Frequent tardiness or absenteeism without valid reasons.
    • Repeatedly leaving work early without prior authorization.
  3. Misconduct:

    • Insubordination, such as refusing to follow directions from supervisors.
    • Violation of company policies, such as harassment, discrimination, or safety protocols.
    • Using inappropriate language or behavior in the workplace.
  4. Conflict with Colleagues:

    • Engaging in disruptive behavior or causing conflicts with coworkers.
    • Bullying, intimidation, or hostile interactions with peers.
  5. Ethical Violations:

    • Theft, fraud, or embezzlement.
    • Breach of confidentiality or misuse of sensitive information.
  6. Safety and Security Violations:

    • Ignoring safety protocols or creating hazardous situations.
    • Failure to report accidents or injuries promptly.
  7. Customer Service Issues:

    • Repeatedly receiving complaints from customers due to poor service.
    • Inappropriate behavior or interactions with clients.
  8. Dress Code and Appearance:

    • Consistently violating the company's dress code or grooming standards.
  9. Improper Internet or Technology Usage:

    • Using company resources for personal activities or accessing inappropriate content.
  10. Violation of Work Rules:

    • Failure to follow established procedures or guidelines.
    • Breach of company confidentiality policies.
  11. Failure to Complete Assigned Tasks:

    • Not completing tasks on time or as instructed.
  12. Conflict of Interest:

    • Engaging in activities that pose a conflict of interest with the company.

These are just some examples of scenarios that might warrant the use of an employee write-up form. The specific content and severity of the issues will determine the appropriate course of action and the level of documentation required. Employee write-up forms help employers address issues promptly, maintain a record of incidents, and facilitate communication between employees and management regarding performance and behavior expectations.

Step-by-step explanation of the procedure using an employee write-up form

Step 1: Incident Identification Identify the incident or issue involving an employee that requires documentation. This could be a performance problem, policy violation, misconduct, or any other behavior that needs to be addressed.

Step 2: Obtain the Employee Write-Up Form Obtain a copy of the employee write-up form from your HR department or supervisor. The form should include sections to document details about the incident and the corrective action to be taken.

Step 3: Complete Employee Information Fill out the top section of the form with the employee's information, including their name, job title, department, and employee ID.

Step 4: Describe the Incident Provide a detailed description of the incident or issue. Include the date, time, location, and any relevant information about what happened.

Step 5: Specify the Policy Violation Indicate the specific company policy, rule, or expectation that the employee violated. This provides clarity about the behavior that is considered unacceptable.

Step 6: Gather Witness Statements (if applicable) If there were any witnesses to the incident, gather their statements and include them in the appropriate section of the form. Witness statements add credibility to the documentation.

Step 7: Employee Response (if applicable) If the employee wishes to provide their perspective on the incident, there should be a section for them to do so. This allows them to share their side of the story.

Step 8: Determine Corrective Action Based on the severity of the incident, determine the appropriate corrective action. This could range from a verbal warning to a written warning, suspension, or further training.

Step 9: Employee Acknowledgment Ask the employee to review the write-up. They should sign the form to acknowledge that they have read and understand its contents. Signing does not necessarily imply agreement with the content, but it confirms that they are aware of the situation.

Step 10: Supervisor or Manager Signature The supervisor or manager responsible for addressing the issue should sign the form as well. This indicates that the supervisor has discussed the matter with the employee and explained the corrective action.

Step 11: Employee Copy Provide a copy of the completed form to the employee for their records. This ensures transparency and gives them a chance to refer to the documented incident and the steps taken to address it.

Step 12: HR and Filing Submit the completed form to the HR department for their records. This creates an official record of the incident and the actions taken to address it. This documentation may be important for future reference, particularly if the issue escalates.

Step 13: Follow-Up and Monitoring Depending on the corrective action taken, set a timeline for follow-up. For instance, if the issue was about improving performance, schedule a review meeting to assess progress.

Step 14: Retain the Record HR should retain the record in the employee's file, ensuring that it is kept confidential and secure. This documentation may be relevant in case of future incidents or if the issue requires further escalation.

Each organization might have slight variations in their procedures and forms. The key is to ensure that the process is fair, consistent, and follows legal and company guidelines. Communication with the employee is crucial throughout the process, and every effort should be made to address the issue effectively while respecting the employee's rights.
