Form SSA-10. Application for Widow's or Widower's Insurance Benefits

Form SSA-10. Application for Widow's or Widower's Insurance Benefits

Form SSA-10 - Application for Widow's or Widower's Insurance Benefits is used to apply for survivor's benefits based on the record of a deceased spouse. Its main purpose is to provide surviving spouses with a means to claim Social Security benefits based on their deceased spouse's earnings record.

For example, a widow or widower whose spouse has passed away and was eligible for Social Security benefits might use this form to apply for survivor's benefits. The form's purpose is to offer financial assistance to individuals who have lost their spouse and relied on their income.

The parties involved are the surviving spouse and the Social Security Administration. This form is structured with sections for the applicant's personal information, details about the deceased spouse, and information about any dependent children. Accuracy in providing this information is crucial to ensure the correct amount of benefits is paid.