DA Form 7206. Application to Perform Legal Assistance Work for Retirement Points and to Be Listed in the Jagc Officer Legal Assistance Directory

DA Form 7206. Application to Perform Legal Assistance Work for Retirement Points and to Be Listed in the Jagc Officer Legal Assistance Directory

DA Form 7206 - Application to Perform Legal Assistance Work for Retirement Points and to Be Listed in the JAGC Officer Legal Assistance Directory is employed for legal professionals who wish to provide legal assistance services and earn retirement points. This form is essential for individuals seeking to contribute legal expertise to the military community.

The form consists of sections where personal information, legal experience, and requested legal assistance services are documented. It provides a formal application for legal professionals to offer their expertise.

Important fields in this form include personal details, legal qualifications, and areas of legal assistance offered. Accurate completion is crucial for ensuring that legal professionals are properly vetted and authorized to provide legal assistance to military personnel.

Application Example: A military lawyer completes DA Form 7206 to apply for authorization to offer legal assistance to service members. The form includes information about their legal qualifications, areas of expertise, and the types of legal assistance they are willing to provide. This form facilitates the provision of legal services within the military community.

No additional documents are typically required to complete this form. While there might not be direct analogues, similar application forms could exist for various roles and responsibilities within the military.