New York State Office of Children and Family Services

OCFS-5481. Application for Corporate Approval and Approval to Operate a Helping Hands New York Agency in New York State

OCFS-5481. Application for Corporate Approval and Approval to Operate a Helping Hands New York Agency in New York State

Form OCFS-5481, the Application for Corporate Approval and Approval to Operate a Helping Hands New York Agency in New York State, is designed for organizations seeking to establish and operate a Helping Hands New York agency within the state. This form outlines the process for corporate approval and agency operation.

OCFS-5478. Final Assessment and Determination: Helping Hands New York (HHNY) Volunteer

OCFS-5478. Final Assessment and Determination: Helping Hands New York (HHNY) Volunteer

Form OCFS-5478, the Final Assessment and Determination: Helping Hands New York (HHNY) Volunteer, is used to make the final determination regarding the eligibility of individuals who have applied to volunteer with the Helping Hands New York program. This form outlines the results of the applicant's assessment and the decision reached based on their qualifications.

OCFS-5474. Safety Review Form - Helping Hands New York Home

OCFS-5474. Safety Review Form - Helping Hands New York Home

Form OCFS-5474, the Safety Review Form - Helping Hands New York Home, is used to assess the safety and suitability of a volunteer's home environment for hosting events or activities related to the Helping Hands New York program. This form ensures that the environments in which activities are conducted are safe and appropriate for children and families participating in the program.

OCFS-5470. Self-Assessment: Helping Hands New York (HHNY) Volunteer

OCFS-5470. Self-Assessment: Helping Hands New York (HHNY) Volunteer

Form OCFS-5470, the Self-Assessment: Helping Hands New York (HHNY) Volunteer, is designed to help potential volunteers assess their eligibility and suitability for participating in the Helping Hands New York program. This program connects volunteers with opportunities to support children and families involved with child welfare services in New York State.

OCFS-5400. Adult Adoptee Birth Certificate Request for Information

OCFS-5400. Adult Adoptee Birth Certificate Request for Information

Form OCFS-5400, the Adult Adoptee Birth Certificate Request for Information, serves the purpose of assisting adult adoptees in obtaining information related to their birth certificates. This form is used by individuals who were adopted in New York State and are now seeking access to non-identifying information about their birth parents and background.

OCFS-5380. Prenatal/Postpartum/Parenting Program (PPP) Application Checklist

OCFS-5380. Prenatal/Postpartum/Parenting Program (PPP) Application Checklist

Form OCFS-5380 - Prenatal/Postpartum/Parenting Program (PPP) Application Checklist assists applicants in the process of applying for the Prenatal/Postpartum/Parenting (PPP) Program. This form outlines the necessary documentation and information required for individuals seeking to participate in this program, which provides support and resources to expectant and parenting youth in foster care.