Form SSA-2490. Application For Benefits Under a U.S. International Social Security Agreement

Form SSA-2490. Application For Benefits Under a U.S. International Social Security Agreement

Form SSA-2490, the Application For Benefits Under a U.S. International Social Security Agreement, is used by individuals who have Social Security credits in multiple countries, thanks to international Social Security agreements. The main purpose of this form is to allow individuals to apply for benefits from the U.S. based on these international agreements.

For example, if a person has worked in both the U.S. and another country that has a Social Security agreement with the U.S., they can use this form to apply for benefits. The purpose is to enable individuals to receive benefits from both countries in accordance with the applicable international agreement.

The parties involved are individuals eligible for benefits under international Social Security agreements and the SSA. The form consists of sections for the applicant's information, details about foreign work and benefits, and documentation related to the international agreement. Accurate completion is important for accessing benefits under the agreement.
