Form BMV 5008. Notarized Written Consent Release Personal Information

Form BMV 5008. Notarized Written Consent Release Personal Information

Form BMV 5008 is the Notarized Written Consent Release Personal Information form used by the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV). The main purpose of this form is to obtain written consent from an individual to release their personal information to a third party.

The form typically consists of sections where the individual provides their personal information, such as name, address, and driver's license number. The individual must also specify the third party to whom they are granting consent for releasing their information.

The key fields in this form are the individual's personal information, the details of the third party receiving the information, and the notarized signature of the individual giving consent.

When filling out the form, the individual must ensure that all personal information is accurate and up-to-date. The notarized signature is crucial for verifying the authenticity of the consent given.

An example scenario for using Form BMV 5008 would be when a person is involved in a car accident, and their insurance company needs access to their driving record and vehicle registration information. The individual would complete this form, providing their personal information, specifying the insurance company as the third party, and then sign and have the form notarized. The insurance company can then submit the form to the BMV to obtain the necessary information.

No additional documents are generally required to complete this form. However, the notarized signature is a critical part of the process and must be included for the form to be valid.

Related forms or alternatives may include similar consent release forms used in other states or specific consent forms for different types of personal information, such as medical records or financial data.
