OCFS-4940. Designation of Person in Parental Relationship

OCFS-4940. Designation of Person in Parental Relationship

Form OCFS-4940 is a Designation of Person in Parental Relationship form used by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services. The purpose of this form is to designate a person who is not a parent to act in a parental role for a child in specific situations, such as granting consent for medical treatment or school enrollment.

The form consists of sections where the parent or legal guardian provides their information, as well as the information of the designated person. The form may require the reason for the designation and the specific responsibilities or permissions granted to the designated person.

Important fields in this form include accurate information about both the parent and the designated person. Designating a person in a parental role for a child can have significant legal and practical implications, so it is crucial to ensure that the information is correct and that the designated person is trustworthy.

Application Example: A single parent who needs to travel for an extended period designates their sibling as a person in a parental role for their child during their absence. They complete this form, stating the reason for the designation and the specific responsibilities granted to the designated person.

Related Form: There might not be a direct analogue for this form, as it is specific to designating a person in a parental role. However, there might be other legal forms related to guardianship or powers of attorney with similar purposes but different legal implications.