OCFS-4597. Outcomes-Performance Targets

OCFS-4597. Outcomes-Performance Targets

Form OCFS-4597 is an Outcomes-Performance Targets form used by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services. The purpose of this form is to set and track performance targets for programs and services funded by the Office, with a focus on measurable outcomes and results.

The form consists of sections where the program or service provider specifies the desired outcomes and performance targets they intend to achieve within a specific time frame. The form may require a detailed description of the indicators used to measure success and the methods of data collection and reporting.

Important fields in this form include clear and specific performance targets and outcomes that can be measured objectively. Accurate completion of this form is essential as it forms the basis for monitoring the effectiveness of funded programs and their impact on the intended beneficiaries.

Application Example: A youth mentoring organization that receives funding from the Office needs to complete this form to outline the outcomes they aim to achieve, such as improved academic performance and reduced juvenile delinquency rates among the mentees. The organization will set specific targets for these outcomes and provide details on how they will track and report progress.

No additional documents are mentioned in the form, but the program or service provider may need to maintain records and data related to their performance targets to support their reporting.

Related Form: There might not be an exact analogue for this form, as each program or service may have unique performance targets and indicators. However, some other forms related to program reporting and evaluation may exist within the Office.