NYS DMV Form MV-464L. Order Form for Registration Plates/In-Transit Permits

NYS DMV Form MV-464L. Order Form for Registration Plates/In-Transit Permits

The NYS DMV Form MV-464L, titled Order Form for Registration Plates/In-Transit Permits, is an order form specifically intended for auto and ATV dealers participating in the plate issuance program outlined in Form MV-463. This form enables dealerships to request registration plates and in-transit permits for their customers.

The order form requires dealerships to provide their business information, including name, address, contact details, and tax ID number. Dealerships must also specify the types and quantities of registration plates or in-transit permits they require for their customers.

By completing this order form, dealerships can easily request the necessary registration plates and in-transit permits from the New York State DMV. This facilitates vehicle sales by allowing temporary transit of vehicles until permanent registration is obtained. The form helps ensure that dealerships have the required documentation to comply with registration requirements and streamline vehicle transactions.

Related and alternative forms: There are no specific related or alternative forms mentioned for Form MV-461 (Dealer Plate Issuance Manual), Form MV-463 (Application for Dealer Plate Issuance Program), and Form MV-464L (Order Form for Registration Plates/In-Transit Permits). These forms are unique to the Dealer Plate Issuance Program and serve distinct purposes within the program.