NYS DMV Form MV-278.8 SSC. Pre-Licensing Course Completion Certificate Order Form for Secondary Schools And Colleges

NYS DMV Form MV-278.8 SSC. Pre-Licensing Course Completion Certificate Order Form for Secondary Schools And Colleges

Form MV-278.8 SSC is used by secondary schools and colleges (high schools, colleges, and BOCES) in New York State to order MV-278 pre-licensing course completion certificate books. These educational institutions use this form to request the necessary certificate books for their pre-licensing courses.

The form ensures that secondary schools and colleges have an adequate supply of pre-licensing course completion certificates to provide to their students who successfully complete the course. It helps maintain proper documentation and records for these educational institutions and ensures that they can issue the required certificates accurately.

Application Example: Secondary schools and colleges in New York State will complete Form MV-278.8 SSC to order pre-licensing course completion certificate books. By providing accurate information about the quantity needed, these educational institutions can ensure that they have a sufficient supply of certificates to issue to their students upon successful completion of the pre-licensing course.

Related Forms: There are no direct alternatives to Form MV-278.8 SSC for ordering pre-licensing course completion certificate books for secondary schools and colleges. Institutions should refer to the form provided by the DMV or contact the DMV directly for any updates or additional resources related to obtaining the necessary certificate books.