NYS DMV Form MV-114. Information for Pick-up Truck Owners

NYS DMV Form MV-114. Information for Pick-up Truck Owners

Form MV-114 is an information sheet that provides guidance to pick-up truck owners in New York State who wish to obtain passenger plates for their vehicles. This allows them to use restricted highways, such as parkways, where commercial vehicles are typically not allowed.

The information sheet outlines the requirements and instructions for obtaining passenger plates for pick-up trucks. It covers topics such as vehicle specifications, insurance requirements, and the application process.

Application Example: Pick-up truck owners in New York State who want to use their vehicles on restricted highways like parkways would refer to Form MV-114 for guidance. By following the instructions provided, they can ensure compliance with the requirements and obtain the necessary passenger plates.

Related Forms: Form MV-114 primarily serves as an informational sheet for pick-up truck owners. It may be accompanied by other forms or documentation required for obtaining passenger plates for pick-up trucks.