Form LIC 702. Child's Preadmission Health History - Parent/Authorized Representative Report - California

Form LIC 702. Child's Preadmission Health History - Parent/Authorized Representative Report - California

Form LIC 702 is used in California by child care centers and other relevant organizations to gather important health information about a child prior to admission. The main purpose of this form is to assess the child's health status, identify any specific needs or conditions, and ensure appropriate care and support can be provided.

The form consists of sections where the parent or authorized representative of the child provides information about the child's health history. It includes sections to report any existing medical conditions, allergies, ongoing treatments or medications, immunization records, dietary restrictions, and emergency contact information. The form may also ask for additional details on the child's developmental milestones, special needs, or any other relevant health-related information.

Important fields on this form include accurately documenting the child's health history and any specific needs or conditions, ensuring that all relevant information is provided, and obtaining emergency contact information. It is crucial for child care centers and organizations to have this form completed and on file to ensure appropriate care and support for each child based on their individual health requirements.

Application Example: A child is being enrolled in a child care center in California. Form LIC 702 would be completed by the child's parent or authorized representative, providing necessary health information about the child. By filling out the form accurately and thoroughly, the child care center can tailor their care and support to meet the child's specific health needs and ensure a safe and nurturing environment.