DD Form 788-2. Private Vehicle Shipping Document for Motorcycle

DD Form 788-2. Private Vehicle Shipping Document for Motorcycle

DD Form 788-2, titled "Private Vehicle Shipping Document for Motorcycle," is used to document and authorize the shipment of private motorcycles belonging to Department of Defense personnel during relocation or other official purposes.

The form consists of sections where information about the motorcycle, shipment details, and authorized personnel is provided. It includes spaces for describing the motorcycle's make, model, and condition, as well as the intended route and transportation details.

Important fields in this form include motorcycle details, shipment information, and the authorized personnel's information. Accurate completion of the form is essential to ensure the proper and secure shipment of the private motorcycle.

Application Example: A military service member is being transferred to a new duty station and needs to ship their private motorcycle. They use DD Form 788-2 to authorize and document the shipment, ensuring the motorcycle's safe transportation.

Related Form: DD Form 788-1, which serves a similar purpose but is specifically designed for vans rather than motorcycles.

Alternative Form: DD Form 788-2 is specific to private motorcycle shipments within the Department of Defense. Different transportation-related forms may be used for other types of vehicles or shipments.