DA Form 7589. Subsistence Vendor Contract Discrepancy Report

DA Form 7589. Subsistence Vendor Contract Discrepancy Report

DA Form 7589 - Subsistence Vendor Contract Discrepancy Report is used to report discrepancies or issues related to subsistence vendor contracts. It provides a means to document and address problems with contracts or deliveries.

The form consists of sections where contract details, discrepancy information, vendor information, and corrective action taken are recorded. It may also include sections for classification and authentication.

Important fields in this form include contract details, discrepancy information, and vendor information. Accurate completion is crucial for documenting contract issues and ensuring appropriate corrective actions are taken.

Application Example: When there are discrepancies or issues with subsistence vendor contracts, military units use the form to report and document the problems. Proper completion of the form supports contract management and dispute resolution.