DA Form 7486-R. High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP) Protection of Mechanical Systems Inspection Checklist (LRA)

DA Form 7486-R. High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP) Protection of Mechanical Systems Inspection Checklist (LRA)

DA Form 7486-R - High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP) Protection of Mechanical Systems Inspection Checklist (LRA) is used to inspect and evaluate the readiness of mechanical systems in U.S. Army facilities to withstand the effects of high altitude electromagnetic pulses (HEMP). It aids in ensuring the resilience of mechanical systems to potential electromagnetic interference.

The form consists of sections where maintenance personnel record details about mechanical system components, testing outcomes, maintenance history, and identified deficiencies related to HEMP protection. It might include sections for recommended actions and upgrades.

Important fields in this form include system details, testing outcomes, maintenance history, deficiencies, and recommended actions. Accurate completion is crucial for safeguarding critical mechanical systems against potential electromagnetic interference and minimizing operational disruptions.

Application Example: A maintenance technician inspects mechanical systems in a military facility to ensure their resilience against potential HEMP effects. The form is completed to document inspection details, testing results, and identified deficiencies. Proper completion of the form enhances the facility's ability to maintain operational readiness even in the face of electromagnetic disturbances.