DA Form 5561-R. Waiting List (LRA)

DA Form 5561-R. Waiting List (LRA)

DA Form 5561-R, titled Waiting List (LRA), is used to maintain a waiting list for a specific service or resource, often in a Logistics Readiness Activity (LRA) context. This form serves as a record of individuals or entities awaiting a particular service or resource.

The form consists of sections where waiting list information is documented, including the requester's name, organization, contact information, and the service or resource requested. It includes spaces to record multiple entries on the waiting list.

Important fields in this form include the requester's details, requested service or resource, and contact information. Accurate completion of this form helps prioritize and manage service/resource allocation.

Application Example: An LRA managing vehicle maintenance requests would use DA Form 5561-R to maintain a waiting list for service appointments. By accurately completing the form and recording requester information, the LRA ensures fair allocation of maintenance services.