DA Form 4881. Agreement for the Loan of Us Army Materiel

DA Form 4881. Agreement for the Loan of Us Army Materiel

Form DA 4881 is an Agreement for the Loan of US Army Materiel used to document the loan of Army materiel to other parties, such as foreign governments or partner organizations. This form serves as a formal agreement outlining the terms and conditions of the loan.

The form consists of sections where the specific details of the loan agreement are recorded, including the parties involved in the loan, the type and quantity of materiel being loaned, the duration of the loan, and any special conditions or restrictions on the use of the materiel. Additionally, the form may include sections for recording any responsibilities and liabilities of the borrowing party and any necessary approvals or authorizations for the loan.

Important fields in this form include accurate documentation of the loan agreement details, clear indication of the terms and conditions of the loan, and proper recording of any responsibilities and liabilities of the borrowing party. Accurate completion of this form is crucial to ensure that materiel loaned by the Army is appropriately tracked, controlled, and returned in accordance with the loan agreement.

Application Example: The US Army agrees to loan military equipment to a foreign government for a joint training exercise. The parties involved in the loan fill out Form DA 4881, providing detailed information about the materiel being loaned, the duration of the loan, and any conditions or restrictions on the use of the equipment. The completed form is reviewed and approved by the respective authorities in both the US Army and the borrowing government. By doing so, the Army can ensure that the materiel loaned is used for its intended purposes and is returned in a timely and satisfactory manner.

Individuals filling out this form should consider any specific instructions or guidelines provided by the Army's regulations and policies regarding the loan of materiel.

Related Forms: There may not be direct alternatives to Form DA 4881, as it is designed specifically for documenting the loan of US Army materiel. However, other forms related to materiel loan agreements and property accountability may exist for similar purposes in the Army.