DA Form 4497. Interim (Abbreviated) Flying Duty Medical Examination

DA Form 4497. Interim (Abbreviated) Flying Duty Medical Examination

Form DA 4497 is abbreviated medical examination form used for interim flying duty assessments in the military. This form is designed to evaluate the medical fitness of aviators and aircrew members on a temporary or interim basis, typically when a comprehensive medical examination not immediately available.

The form includes sections where the aviator or aircrew member can provide personal information, such as their name, rank, unit, and flight status. It also includes sections to document any medical conditions, medications, or limitations that may affect their ability to perform flying duties safely and effectively.

During an interim flying duty assessment, the examining medical professional will review the completed form, conduct a brief medical evaluation, and determine if the aviator aircrew member meets the minimum medical standards for continued flying duty. If significant medical concerns are identified, further evaluation or grounding may be necessary until a comprehensive medical examination can be conducted.

It important to accurately complete all required fields on the form and provide honest and thorough information about any medical conditions or limitations. This ensures that appropriate medical decisions can be made regarding the individual's fitness for flying duty and helps maintain aviation safety.

Application Example: When a comprehensive medical examination is not immediately available, Form DA 4497 can be used to conduct an interim assessment of an aviator or aircrew member's medical fitness for flying duty. This form allows for a preliminary evaluation to determine if the individual meets the minimum medical standards required for continued participation in aviation activities.

Related Forms: Depending on the specific circumstances and requirements, other forms related to aviation medical examinations, flight physicals, or medical clearance for flying duty may exist. These forms may vary based on the branch of service or specific aviation regulations.