DA Form 4082. Daily Cashier`s Record

DA Form 4082. Daily Cashier`s Record

DA Form 4082 is a record form used by cashiers to document daily cash transactions. This form is commonly used military or government settings where cash handling and accountability are important. The form allows cashiers to record details such as the date, starting and ending cash balances, cash received, cash disbursed, and any discrepancies or overages/shortages.

The form also includes sections for recording checks, money orders, credit card transactions, and other forms of payment. It may have additional sections for recording non-cash transactions or adjustments. The purpose of this form is to provide a comprehensive record daily cash activities and ensure proper financial control and accountability.

Important fields in this form include the date, starting and ending cash balances, detailed breakdown of cash received and disbursed, identification the cashier, and any explanations or comments regarding discrepancies or unusual transactions. Accurate and complete information should be recorded to maintain accurate financial records and facilitate reconciliation.

Application Example: Cashiers in military or government organizations use DA Form 4082 to record their daily cash transactions. They fill out the form with details of cash received, disbursed, and any other relevant information. This form helps maintain accurate records of cash activities and ensures proper financial control and accountability.

Related Forms: Depending on the specific requirements and procedures of the organization, there may be related forms such as deposit slips, cash count sheets, or reconciliation forms that complement the use of DA Form 4082