DA Form 2258. Depreservation Guide for Vehicles and Equipment

DA Form 2258. Depreservation Guide for Vehicles and Equipment

The DA Form 2258 is used as a depreservation guide for vehicles and equipment within the Department of the Army. This form provides instructions and guidelines for properly preserving and storing military vehicles and equipment during periods of non-use or storage.

The form consists of various important fields, including the of the vehicle or equipment, step-by-step instructions for depreservation procedures, recommended preservation materials and techniques, and any additional notes or precautions.

When filling out the DA Form 2258, it is important to follow the instructions and guidelines provided accurately. Attention should be given to properly documenting the depreservation process, including any specific actions taken or materials used. This form helps ensure that vehicles and equipment are preserved correctly, minimizing damage and maintaining their operational readiness.

An application example for this form would be when military vehicles or equipment are being placed in long-term storage or temporarily decommissioned. The DA Form 2258 would be used as a reference guide for personnel responsible for depreservation activities, ensuring that proper procedures are followed to prevent deterioration and maintain the equipment's condition.