DA Form 2166-9-3. NCO Evaluation Report (CSM/SGM)

DA Form 2166-9-3. NCO Evaluation Report (CSM/SGM)

The DA Form 2166-9-3 is an NCO Evaluation Report specifically designed for Command Sergeant Major (CSM) and Sergeant Major (SGM) ranks. The form serves as a record of the Non-Commissioned Officer's (NCO) performance and potential in their current duty position.

The main purpose of the form is to provide an evaluation of the NCO's leadership, professionalism, character, and overall performance. It helps senior officers to assess the NCO's strengths and developmental needs, which can then be used to inform promotions, assignments, and career development plans.

The form consists of several parts, including administrative data, duty description, performance summary, leadership attributes and competencies, professional development, and overall performance evaluation. There are also fields for identification, rater information, senior rater information, and reviewer information.

When filling out the form, it is important to consider the specific duties and responsibilities of the NCO's position, as well as their individual strengths and weaknesses. Data required when filling out the form includes information on the NCO's performance, professional development, and overall potential. Additional documents that may need to be attached include counseling records, awards, and training certificates.

Examples of when the DA Form 2166-9-3 may be used include during annual or periodic evaluations, during promotion boards, and when considering candidates for assignment to key positions.

Strengths of the form include its thoroughness and ability to provide a comprehensive evaluation of an NCO's performance and potential. Weaknesses may include subjectivity in the evaluation process and the potential for bias. Opportunities may include using the data gathered from evaluations to inform career development plans and provide targeted training opportunities. Threats may include misuse of the form or inaccurate evaluations resulting in adverse career impacts for the NCO.

Alternative forms include the DA Form 2166-8 for lower-ranking NCOs and the DA Form 1059 for officer evaluations. Differences between forms may include the specific criteria used to evaluate performance and the information required in each section.

The DA Form 2166-9-3 can have a significant impact on an NCO's future career opportunities, as it is often used to inform promotion, assignment, and training decisions. The form is typically submitted through official military channels and stored in the NCO's personnel file.
