CA DMV Form REG 590. Request for Commercial Registration of a Passenger Vehicle

CA DMV Form REG 590. Request for Commercial Registration of a Passenger Vehicle

Form REG 590 is used to apply for commercial registration of a passenger vehicle in California. This form is used when individuals want to change their existing automobile registration to a commercial registration for their passenger vehicle.

The form consists of sections where the applicant can provide their personal information, vehicle details, current registration information, and specific details related to the commercial registration request. It may include fields for the applicant's name, address, driver's license number, vehicle identification number (VIN), existing registration details, business information, and purpose of commercial use.

When completing this form, it is important to provide accurate and complete information to ensure the smooth transition from automobile registration to commercial registration. Incomplete or incorrect information may result in delays or processing issues.

Application Example: Individuals or businesses in California who want to change their passenger vehicle's registration from automobile to commercial can use this form. They should provide all the necessary information in the form accurately and truthfully to facilitate the registration change process.

Related Forms: There may not be direct alternatives to Form REG 590 as it specifically addresses the request for commercial registration of a passenger vehicle. However, other forms related to commercial vehicle registration or specific types of commercial vehicles may exist, depending on the nature of the registration or type of vehicle.