CA DMV Form OL 757. Application for TVS Administrator Change

CA DMV Form OL 757. Application for TVS Administrator Change

This form, Form OL 757, is used to request a change in the administrator of a Traffic Violator School (TVS) in California. The TVS administrator is responsible for overseeing the operations and compliance of the traffic violator school. The purpose of this form is to notify the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) about any changes in the TVS administrator.

The form consists of sections where the current TVS administrator and the proposed new administrator can provide their personal information, contact details, and qualifications. It also requires the submission of supporting documents or evidence to validate the eligibility of the new administrator.

Important fields on this form include the current TVS administrator's information, the proposed new administrator's information, the reason for the change, and any relevant details regarding the TVS and its operations. It is crucial to accurately fill out all required information and provide necessary documentation to expedite the process of changing the TVS administrator.

Application Example: When there is a change in the TVS administrator due to retirement, resignation, or any other reason, Form OL 757 is used to notify the DMV and request approval for the new administrator. The form should be completed with accurate and complete information about both the outgoing and incoming administrators. This form is essential for maintaining the compliance and efficiency of the TVS operation.

Related Forms: There may not be direct alternatives to Form OL 757 specifically for requesting a TVS administrator change. However, other related forms may include Form OL 16, which is used for general changes to a TVS, such as address changes or changes to the school name.